Sister Bei Will Help You Win

Because of what happened with Nie Zehai, Xia Xibei's popularity also grew.

Even though Nie Zehai had said Xia Xibei was his life saver and also posted group photos, proving that their earlier photo together was taken out of context, there were still many people who liked the combination of them.

The guy was handsome, the girl was beautiful, and they had survived a crisis together. If they really got together, the fans wouldn't reject the idea. They could even be happy to see it.

The program team certainly saw this angle, which was why they invited Xia Xibei over.

Xia Xibei told Nie Zehai about her guess, and the program's arrangements proved her right.

This time, there were 10 guests, six men and four women. Five were popular stars, the other five were real people.

The people on the show were good looking men and women, which was meant to create more sparks.