Helping You Win

Not only were the other guests confused, but all the program staff were confused too.

The cameraman who followed Xia Xibei and Nie Zehai captured the whole process on film.

After knowing the rules and requirements, Nie Zehai's first reaction was also to find an alliance. After all, how long would it take if they only relied on themselves?

But Xia Xibei stopped him.

"No, we'll just do it ourselves."

Forming an alliance with others could save a lot of effort. However, there was a downside.

It was a competition, and whoever took less time won.

If you cooperated with others, you had to move at the same time as them.

This would not be much of an advantage.

She wiped her nose with a thumb and said proudly, "Don't worry, I'll show you what it means to be the best of the best!"

Looking at Xia Xibei's confident expression, Nie Zehai was skeptical.