King Kong Barbie

Xia Xibei was thinking of swinging the whole way by herself, but she didn't do it.

It would be bad if Nie Zehai had no opportunity to perform.

It would be a blow to his self-confidence to some extent, not to mention everything else.

So, she let Nie Zehai start first.

Nie Zehai did not think too much. After all, he was a guy, so he should be the first one on the field.

After he did a little warm-up, he exhaled heavily, then began to grab the rings.

Once he grabbed the rings, he couldn't help but sigh to himself.

He usually worked out at the gym. After all, he had to maintain his physique and be in the best shape possible, so he actually had six-pack abs!

He often did pull-ups too, but simple pull-ups were not the same as this!

Looking at the rings, which seemed endless, he couldn't help but sigh again.

How many times did he have to stop before he could finish the journey?!