Give Her a Lesson

While Xia Xibei was answering her calls, Xia Qinghan was also talking on the phone next door.

Xia Qinghan felt completely worn out after the long, laborious day. Especially her arms, which felt as if they had turned into jelly and were no longer her own.

She made her assistant give her a full massage right after she came back, otherwise she would have been more miserable.

Upon receiving Qiao Haoming's call, she instantly felt overwhelmed.

After rambling to Qiao Haoming about how tough her day had been, she couldn't help asking, "How's it going with Director Jiang?"

Qiao Haoming fell silent upon being asked that.

"What's the matter?" 

An ominous feeling crept inside her.

Just as expected, what Qiao Haoming said next confirmed her speculation.

"It's something… That was quite unforeseen."