Targeting Her

In the minds of many people, snakes were very scary creatures. Forget touching, even the sight of them was creepy.

Watching a snake rub Xia Xibei's hand was enough to surprise everyone.

But something even more surprising happened— all the other snakes also wiggled their little heads, aimed straight for Xia Xibei's palm!

The way so many snakes came together chilled everyone to the bone, but it was as if they were chicks scrambling for food, making them all speechless. 

While she was flocked by so many snakes, there was no trace of fear on Xia Xibei's face. She actually laughed out loud!

The smile on her beautiful face made people feel good, as if she was the warm sun in winter.

However, looking again at the snakes in front of her, everyone froze.

What the hell was this?

Everyone's jaws hit the floor, thinking they must be hallucinating. Otherwise, who would see such bizarre things?!