Ruining Oneself

Qiao Yanjue frowned, "It's already so late, why haven't you eaten? Have you not eaten well in the past two days since you've been shooting the show? Why do you look thinner?"

Xia Xibei was speechless.

The program team was quite humane.

Although some tasks were very crazy—for other guests, at least—the show did not skimp in terms of food and accommodation. After all, the guests were either popular stars or the stars of tomorrow. How could they not be treated well?

The hotel prepared a buffet, and her appetite almost scared the other stars, who didn't eat much.

Except for Xia Qinghan, the other three female guests all ran over to watch her, wanting to know the secret of how she was able to eat so much!

She also used this opportunity to tell them about the slimming pills that would be created later, and they said they wanted to buy them.

How could she be thinner in this case?!