No Need to Advertise

Only after sending Li Weiyun away did Huo Zijun let out a sigh of relief.

Just now, it felt as if a fight was going to happen. It was too scary!

It was only now that he had the opportunity to bring up Hongyan Youth beauty cream.

He knew that this kind of thing could not be brought up in front of Li Weiyun.

"The sales for Honyan Youth have gone up," Huo Zijun said seriously to Xia Xibei, "Should we launch a new product now?"

Although Huo Zijun was the one in charge of this company, he still had the habit of listening to Xia Xibei's advice. After all, she was the one who came up with the formula.

"What about the slimming pills?" Xia Xibei asked.

"We've produced quite a bit of them now. Should we advertise?"

"No," Xia Xibei shook her head. "Do you think it makes any difference if you advertise or not? Our target consumers are not ordinary people."