Is This Cheating?

The fans became even more apprehensive after being educated by the show's captions. 

Each tire was so heavy! How long would it take to find their numbers?!

Sure enough, this program team was here to torture people!

The fans were heartbroken for their idols, but the audience loved watching it.

It was indeed quite cool to watch these big stars being tortured into sweating.

After seeing four of the groups start to make alliances, Nie Zehai's fans were anxious.

How come they didn't form an alliance with others earlier?

They would be exhausted working by themselves!

Even if an alliance was made, this was not an easy task!

What followed on the show confirmed everyone's fears.

These big tires were each like a small mountain! They were too much!

Looking at the guests, each with veins bursting out and appearing slightly hideous, the audience couldn't help but shake their heads. The program team was really cruel!