Saved Two People

Xia Xibei came to the imperial capital to participate in the English competition, and after it was over, she wanted to go out for a bit.

She had been to the imperial capital several times in her previous life, but each time she came and went in a hurry, with no time to enjoy the sights.

Now that she was here, she should check it out.

Not wanting to join the others, she walked out alone.

Unexpectedly, when she reached a quiet intersection, she saw a car rush out from the side and move towards two oblivious people not far away from her!

This scene caused others to scream in alarm, while her scalp tightened. She did not have time to react, simply rushing out in a flash.

The two people on the side, linked arm in arm, were stunned by the car's movements.

When the car was about to rush over and hit them, a sudden strong force came from behind and pulled them away. They stumbled backwards and almost fell to the ground.
