Can't Get Away

Xia Xibei stopped, and her expression became serious.

Only then did she realize that there were several broken streetlights on this road, and it looked a bit dim. There were not many people passing by either, and everyone was in a hurry.

The lights in the distance made it look even darker here.

As she stopped, the footsteps behind her stopped as well.

Her brow furrowed, then she quickened her pace and continued walking forward.

The sound of footsteps behind her started again, and it sounded like there was more than one person.

She looked around and realized that there was no surveillance here!

A busy area was just a few hundred meters away, yet there were no surveillance cameras here?! It didn't make sense!

There was surveillance when she passed here earlier.

In just an hour's time, the surveillance was gone, and a few lights were broken too.

She had to believe that all of this was aimed at her.