Passed Out

A commotion broke out, everyone huddling around it despite the dirty, messy surroundings, holding their breaths.

"It really is a glutinous specimen! The imperial green!"

"Oh God!"

"The bet's value has risen!"

"No, no yet! It's not done being extracted!"

"Holy Christ, it's breathtaking!"

"So this is what imperial green looks like!"

Li Weiyun felt her limbs turn cold in the midst of the heated discussions.

No way! This must be a fake!

Uncle Zhang had scuttled over by then, trying hard to catch his breath as he stared at the deep, intense green.

"Let me take a look!" He squeezed his way through the crowd and hurried forward.

He was staring intently at the green surface of the stone, his eyes losing focus, completely ignoring the others as they muttered curses at him.

"I can pay 5 million for this!" someone said, shouting out their bid.

"What?! 5 million?! I can pay 7 million!"

"8 million!"