Who Dares Bully You?

"I heard that you got admitted here, so I came to see you." Xie Dongqing looked at her worriedly. "What happened?"

Li Weiyun's face was horridly pale, and her eyes were red and swollen from crying.

"What's wrong?" Xie Dongqing became even more concerned. "Who bullied you? Tell me, I got your back!"

As Xie Dongqing offered gentle words of comfort, tears began falling down Li Weiyun's face again, sorrow rising within her. 

She wasn't usually such a princess, and she had always hated crying. She looked down on women who tried to win men's hearts by crying.

However, she just couldn't seem to hold back her tears right now.

It had been a rough day.

She'd lost the ore, and Qiao Yanjue had come all the way from City G not for her, but for Xia Xibei!

On top of that, she had to bear with her father's rebuke. It was just too much to take.

Her tears kept pouring down in torrents as Xie Dongqing tried to comfort her.