Someone Wants To Invest In Your Project

The look on Jiang Shenghe's face was intriguing after he hung up the call.

"Jiang?" Meng Qiuyue looked at her husband worriedly. "Are you alright?"

"I'm al- How can I be alright?!" Jiang Shenghe couldn't help pulling his own hair while shaking his head. "It's totally mind-boggling!"

Puzzled, Meng Qiuyue asked, "What's wrong? What did Doctor Xia say? I also heard you talking about approving her leave or something. What was that all about?"

Him approving Doctor Xia's leave? That was ridiculous!

They should try to please and flatter Doctor Xia now! Who dared to order her around?

"Have you any idea who she is?"

"Doctor Xia? Of course! Who else can she be?" 

Meng Qiuyue looked extremely baffled.

"Do you know her full name?"

"Full name? I don't know."

"Her name is Xia Xibei!"

"Xia Xi- Xia Xibei?!" Meng Qiuyue cried out. "Are you sure?!"