Strong Contrast

Cui Tong's fans and haters started arguing, mostly saying that "Vision Hua" was Cui Tong's hater.

The haters protested. Wasn't "Vision Hua" notorious for not retouching pictures? So it's not like they just picked on Cui Tong. It was too flattering for Cui Tong, right?

Some people dug up Xia Xibei's and Cui Tong's photos for comparison.

[See what a real beauty is called! Don't close your eyes all day long and brag blindly! A real beauty is one that can stand up to the ravages of the camera!]

When they clicked on the two photos, everyone was surprised.

The first one was a photo of Cui Tong where she was wearing a short, black dress.

The short black dress, which should have made her slim and tall, looked stiff and gloomy in the photo. Plus, the sunglasses on her face made it seem like she was attending a funeral.

Moreover, because of the angle, her calf muscles were obvious, so her legs looked particularly thick in the photo.