Controlling the Fans

For Xia Xibei's fans, no matter what she posted, it was big news.

And this short video was super cute!

[Sister Bei's hands are so beautiful! Lick, lick, lick! Now my hands feel even more like pig's feet! Crying...]

[What a cute little bird! Our Sister Bei attracts not just cats and dogs, but also birds? It's awesome!]

[Do these little birds also know who's pretty? Ha, ha, ha...]

[If you reach out like us, you'll only get a pile of bird poop, right? How can we be liked by these little birds?]

[That's right, how can Sister Bei be like us?!]

[How does Sister Bei attract these birds? Can you teach us?]

Everyone's attention was drawn to this video, and they didn't bother about Cui Tong anymore.

Xia Xibei's fans settled down, but Cui Tong's fans were getting more and more energetic.

However, after their cursing was not returned, they got bored and returned to attacking "Vision Hua."