No Role Change

After listening to Jiang Shenghe's explanation, Xia Xibei realized why Cui Tong had just glared at her.

Damn, what kind of weirdos were they?!

All this drama for the so-called "first beauty" title?

Pan Yan's expression was also very complicated.

He whispered to Xia Xibei, "I think she may have been irritated by the Internet."

Xia Xibei froze, it also dawning on her.

Yes! It was very possible!

Maybe it was because of this online drama that Cui Tong had become like this?

The photos taken by "Vision Hua" were so horrible that many haters were now mocking Cui Tong's looks.

In fact, Cui Tong's looks were really not that much of a problem.

Although she was not impeccable from all angles, there was no problem under the normal angle. When she walked on the street, she was a proper goddess.

However, the mess created by "Vision Hua" really seemed to drag down Cui Tong's looks.