This Is a Fugitive

Due to this sudden decision, what remained of Xia Xibei's shoot was very simple and ended after just a few shots.

Cui Tong had also changed two sets of clothes and finished the shoot after spending half an afternoon.

Everyone was relieved when they finally finished shooting.

After packing up, everyone started to leave the studio, going back to the hotel.

Xia Xibei and Pan Yan followed behind Cui Tong and the others and walked out.

Just as they reached the entrance of the first floor, they heard excited voices coming from outside.

It turned out that Cui Tong's fans knew she was here today for a photo shoot, so they came here to wait for her.

Although there were only about 20 people, it was quite a scene.

Banners and posters were everywhere. Together with the fans' voices, it was as if there were 100 people present.

After seeing Cui Tong come out, they got even more excited and cheered loudly.