Venomous Insects

When Li Weiyun found out that the mission had failed yet again, she almost smashed the room.

She just couldn't understand why Xia Xibei was able to escape from the crocodile!

That earlier time too, there were so many poisonous snakes inside, but she was still safe and sound!

What kind of good luck did this Xia Xibei have?

It seemed that other methods had to be used.

She was thinking of using animals to ruin Xia Xibei, but to her surprise, nothing happened in the end.

This was unacceptable.

After hesitating for a while, Li Weiyun finally came to a decision and made a call.

Although it was already evening, Xie Dongqing quickly appeared.

Li Weiyun looked at Xie Dongqing's somewhat pale face and asked with concern, "Why are you looking like this?"

"It's nothing, I just haven't slept well these two days," Xie Dongqing shook her head and laughed.

She hadn't rested well at night for the past two days.