The Second Installment

Sure enough, with Cui Tong's referral, the rest of the actors in the crew quickly sought her out.

Although these things were very expensive, it was not difficult to afford with their income.

The most important thing was that with Hongyan Youth and these slimming pills, their effect was visible!

Before, when Cui Tong just joined the cast, she looked as if others owed her millions. When it came time to eat, her face was even more unpleasant to see.

She also liked to wear thick makeup, which made her look even more unapproachable.

Now she was particularly generous when she ate, ordering a bunch of rich dishes, which made other people's eyes go red.

It was not that people couldn't afford to buy such food. They just couldn't eat it!

Every day, as they watched Cui Tong and Xia Xibei gorge themselves on food and drinks, their bodies looking better and better, everyone felt like they were going to blackout.