The Attitude of Cooperation

The man looked a bit similar to Cui Tong, seeming civilized and elegant.

When they saw Xia Xibei enter, the two of them immediately stood up.

Cui Tong enthusiastically pulled Xia Xibei over. 

"Brother, she is Xia Xibei. This is her manager Pan Yan. Beibei, this is my brother, Cui Changxin."

"Nice to meet you, big brother Cui," Xia Xibei greeted him with a smile.

"Hello, Miss Xia." 

Cui Changxin's smile was also very kind, addressing her very politely.

Xia Xibei was Cui Tong's friend, and she was also his collaboration partner at this time, so Cui Changxin's attitude was naturally good.

After both sides greeted each other, they sat down.

Pan Yan was a little bewildered by this, but still enough sense to shut his mouth.

This was, after all, Xia Xibei's occasion.

After sitting down, Cui Changxin handed over the menu. 

"See what you would like to eat."

Xia Xibei was not standing on ceremony.