Z-List Starlet

Li Weiyun hated the thought so much that she gritted her teeth.

She regretted having lost her mind before and confessing her love to him! Otherwise, it wouldn't be so awkward now!

Although she had changed her tactics after being rejected, she didn't expect that Qiao Yanjue wouldn't even give her the chance to get closer!

Moreover, the relationship between the two of them was getting colder and colder; even their relationship as classmates was almost gone.

This made her heart break.

And it was all because of Xia Xibei!

If it wasn't for Xia Xibei, how could Qiao Yanjue be so indifferent to her?!

In order to get closer to Qiao Yanjue, she had even come to this small dinner party tonight.

Unexpectedly, before they could talk, Qiao Yanjue had to leave. 

Moreover, he denied the relationship between the two of them right in front of others!

However, no matter how painful it was, she couldn't give up on Qiao Yanjue.