Fighting Injustice

After leaving the private room for the restroom, Xia Xibei's mouth curled up into a faint smile.

Lv Qian was so calculating, she might as well see where his plotting would lead.

If she were any other teenage girl, she would easily be fooled by Lv Qian's conciliatory appearance.

It was a pity that she was not a naive, young girl.

With their status, even if they came out to sing, they would definitely look for a private room with a restroom. Otherwise, they would have a lot of trouble coming in and out.

This room was booked by Lv Qian. There was no restroom inside, and he kept giving Xia Xibei water.

The most important thing was this: Lv Qian's dice were custom-made.

All these things were enough to make Xia Xibei suspicious.

However, she didn't say anything.

When she got to the restroom, she really went in.

After using the restroom, she felt relaxed.