Experienced It All

When Xia Xibei stood up, she realized that her situation was not too good.

She looked down and saw that the bathrobe she had tied on her body was a bit messy and about to fall apart, faintly revealing the creamy skin of her chest.

There were no clothes under the bathrobe.

If there was a mirror, she would see that her face was flushed and full of desire.

Qiao Yanjue was even worse off. His bathrobe was also messed up. In a certain place, the bulge was very obvious.


"You're still underage!" 

Qiao Yanjue gritted his teeth, holding back the agitation inside him.

Xia Xibei froze for a moment, and only then did she react.

Yes, her current physical age was not yet eighteen!

Her mind had long since matured, and since the two of them were in love, some things would happen naturally. There was no need to resist.

However, she was not yet eighteen years old, which was a real problem.