Just a Confession

When Liu Manhong went into Qiao Yanjue's place, she took a seat on the sofa by herself, looked at the two of them, then slapped the table with astonishing momentum. 

"Give me a clear explanation!"

Qiao Yanjue and Xia Xibei glanced at each other, then sat across from Liu Manhong.

The sofa across the table was not big, so it was easy and comfortable for one person to sit, but it was quite crowded for two.

They both sat on the same couch, their bodies pressed together.

This scene made Liu Manhong almost roll her eyes.

"When did you guys get together?"

Half a month ago, there was nothing going on with them, so how come they were suddenly together?

"Last night," Xia Xibei answered docilely.

She was worried that Liu Manhong would be angry with her when she saw the two of them together. Little did she know that Liu Manhong's anger was directed at Qiao Yanjue.

This made her heart a little warm.