Continuing to Make Money

Looking at the 450 yuan in hand, Shi Shuhang's expression was very wonderful.

In just ten minutes, they earned 450 yuan! This was too impressive!

If they did part-time work, the two of them wouldn't necessarily make this much money even in a day.

"You're too good!"

 He didn't mince words in praise.

"It's just good luck," Xia Xibei said modestly.

"Luck is also a kind of strength!" Shi Shuhang had a serious face.

It was like how he was able to go farther and do better than others. A big part of the reason was that he was born into it.

That was why luck was also very important.

"So what do we do next?"

Although they had 450 yuan, who knew what other people would do to make money? So this amount was not secure enough.

"Let's look a little more."


Due to this skill that Xia Xibei showed, Shi Shuhang followed her without question.