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Inside the place was Qiao Yanjue, who was standing there in his pajamas.

Qiao Yanjue was surprised and happy.

"Weren't you not coming back until tomorrow?"

"It wasn't too late, so I rushed back," Xia Xibei said as she walked in, dragging her small suitcase behind her.

After walking in, she saw a computer on the table with a lot of documents scattered around.

It was obvious that Qiao Yanjue was working here just now.

"Why did you come to my place?"

"I was bored staying at home," Qiao Yanjue said frankly.

He was supposed to be taking care of things at home, but it was a bit lonely being by himself in such a vast, empty house.

And here it felt like Xia Xibei.

His efficiency was better when he was working here.

Xia Xibei smiled and gave him a kiss. 

"I'm going to take a shower first."

It was quite a day today, and although she did not sweat too much, such hot weather was not too comfortable.