Too Disgusting

Looking at the three people who had fallen to the ground, screaming in agony, Shi Shuhang was petrified.

This… This was too powerful!

He thought he was seeing things, recalling what had just happened. 

Looking at Xia Xibei's calm expression, he had the urge to kneel in front of her.

Holy cow! She was not a girl, she was a queen!

At this moment, he deeply understood why others would call Xia Xibei "Sister Bei." She was really too dominant!

"Get up." Xia Xibei stood in the middle of them, kicked them with her foot, and said with a light smile, "Didn't you want to keep me here? Get up."

The men's faces were ashen, but they could only lie on the ground and play dead. That kick to their chest hurt so much!

They really did not expect Xia Xibei to be so tough!

Was she still female?!

The girls they had met before were so well behaved and gentle! Who was this genetic mutation?!