The First Shoot

The next day, the weather was sunny and very suitable for filming.

Early in the morning, the logistics crew started to get busy, and the actors were also in place.

The first scene today was the first encounter between the male and female leads.

Xia Qinghan got ready early, sitting in a chair while waiting for Shi Shuhang.

When Shi Shuhang appeared, there was a slight shadow under his eyes. His complexion was a little haggard, and it was obvious that he had not rested well.

Xia Qinghan looked over curiously, very puzzled.

Because she was very concerned about Shi Shuhang, she knew that he came back last night around ten o'clock.

Even if he slept late, it wasn't so bad, right? Did he stay up late? Or was it insomnia?

However, she was not familiar with Shih Shuhang, so she could not ask too many questions.

Shi Shuhang had a makeup artist and a stylist with him who lined up to style him.