The Show Airs

Two weeks had passed since the recording, and this episode of the program recorded by Xia Xibei and Shi Shuhang was finally going to be aired.

Due to the matter of catching the traffickers and saving the children, this episode of the program was deeply concerning to everyone.

This was especially the case for the fans, who desperately appealed to the program team to hurry up and air this episode.

However, how could the program team be so obedient?

The more anxious people were, the calmer the show producers were. This way, they could better pique the fans' interest!

However, before the broadcast, they also showed some small clips from time to time to help keep the fans' interest at the highest level.

Finally, on the day of the broadcast, everyone sat on their chairs with their cell phones in front of the TV or computer, waiting for the start of the episode.

[I bet a packet of spicy strips that Sister Bei will slay the whole scene!]