All Dragged Into It

 Xia Xibei and Zhou Qiyu had a thing?!

This speculation caused a huge explosion on the Internet right after it surfaced.

Zhou Qiyu and Xia Xibei were both spokespersons of Simu, and it was only natural that they had rubbed elbows. 

Before this, however, there were rumors about Xia Xibei having a fling with the owner of Simu, and now she was said to be in a relationship with Zhou Qiyu. She was simply… Impressive, wasn't she? 

[I don't think that's something impossible though! Xia Xibei has a thing with both the owner of Simu and Zhou Qiyu, and that was how she made Zhou Qiyu one of the spokespersons of Simu... God d*mn it! She's awesome, ain't she?!]

[Whoa, that level of networking though! Wait, can they be having threesomes?] 

[What a messed up world!]

All these statements made Beilievers go ballistic. 

What disgusting and ridiculous speculations!

How did Zhou Qiyu get dragged into this mess?