I Can Help You

Li Weiyun was mesmerized as she enjoyed Qiao Yanjue's tenderness toward her.

Sure enough, after Qiao Yanjue's "change of heart," all of his tenderness was hers alone!

This kind of feeling was really wonderful!

"When are we going back to see your parents?" Li Weiyun couldn't help but say after her delight.

At these words, Qiao Yanjue stiffened invisibly for a moment, then smiled.

"Not yet."

"Why not?" Li Weiyun wondered. "Don't you want to be with me?"

Qiao Yanjue shook his head and sighed, "As you know, I've been very busy lately. If I don't take care of the matter at hand, then..."

Although he did not say anything further, the heaviness in his words made Li Weiyun stay silent along with him.

Indeed, the Qiao family was not yet under Qiao Yanjue's control. It wasn't so easy for him.

After Qiao Yanjue came back to the Imperial Capital, he had been very busy trying to occupy a place in the Qiao Group.