Master Lu

"Have you ever seen Xia Qinghan with them before?" Xia Xibei suddenly asked.

"Xia Qinghan?" Qiao Yanjue frowned, thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, I have seen her once before. Two weeks ago, I think. She came for a visit."

That time, the family was eating at the old mansion.

Qiao Yanjue was not there, but he heard about it.

"She has a good relationship with your elder brother and all, right?" 

Xia Xibei used an affirmative tone.

Xia Qinghan was Qiao Haoming's fiancée, so wasn't she family to Qiao Weiyue?

"You mean..." Qiao Yanjue immediately understood, his eyes narrowing dangerously. "She's in on it too?"

"I think so," Xia Xibei nodded. "I'm having someone keep an eye on her now, we should have news soon."

She always felt that Xia Qinghan had secrets, so she had asked Gou Yi to keep an eye on her.

Xia Xibei had worked with Gou Yi before.