Buying the Copyright

While Xia Qinghan and Li Weiyun were talking on the phone, Xia Xibei was also at home talking with Qiao Yanjue.

Qiao Yanjue had made a fruit plate and put a piece of watermelon into Xia Xibei's mouth.

She half-leaned in Qiao Yanjue's arms, opened her mouth and ate the fruit. 

She had a few books in her hand.

She looked surprised, asking, "When did you buy the rights to these?"

The books were all synopses of various scripts and novels, and Qiao Yanjue had the copyright for them all.

Xia Xibei then realized that Qiao Yanjue had previously bought not only SY Entertainment, but also several smaller companies, including an online literature company!

"A few months ago."

Qiao Yanjue took a bite of watermelon while answering.

Xia Xibei looked through the contents while admiring them.

There were several dramas that were big hits in her previous life!