Part-time Talent Scout

Xia Xibei was surprised to learn that Mu Qiaona was a fan of hers.

This was incredible.

Knowing that it was Xia Xibei, her idol, who had saved her, Mu Qiaona almost jumped up and down from excitement.

"That's amazing! I can't believe that it was you who saved me! You're so amazing!"

"We were talking about whether your performance on the show was real or not! Now I'm sure it's all real! You're really amazing!"

Looking at Mu Qiaona's excited fangirl look, Xia Xibei's mood was a bit complicated.

She didn't expect Mu Qiaona to like her so much that she would turn into a chatterbox.

"If the other Beilivers knew that you helped me, they would be so jealous!" 

Mu Qiaona's eyes seemed to glow, as if all those nightmarish things that happened before were just dreams.

After a while, she calmed down and touched her head, a little embarrassed.

"Sorry, I got too excited."

"It's fine. It's okay."