Who Plagiarized Who

While everyone was discussing Xia Xibei, someone dug up the footage of Xia Qinghan and Hong Zhenhan.

They took screenshots of the two's performance, especially Xia Qinghan's expression when she almost tripped Hong Zhenhan and then looked upset, which was circled around.

[The two of them really don't get along! Otherwise, she wouldn't be so disgusted, right?]

[Wow! It's so obvious! What's with their feud? Who stole whose boyfriend?]

[It's Xia Qinghan who almost bumped into Hong Zhenhan, and she's mad?! So shameless!]

[There were rumors that they didn't get along before. Now it looks like it's true!]

[Are you guys overthinking? Sometimes it's normal to accidentally bump into each other and then reflexively have a bad expression, okay?]

[Normal? I laughed and didn't say anything.]

[I heard that the two of them don't seem to talk to each other in private!]