Registered Letter

This was Pan Yan's question and everyone else's question too.

When did Xia Xibei upload her work to the Internet? And the time was so early!

People online were stunned by this development.

First, Gu Lan turned into Gu Cen, which was already enough to surprise everyone. What a big change!

However, Xia Xibei's actions were even more amazing.

Was it possible that she had predicted this and knew that there would be such a show, which was why she put her work online in advance?

Of course, there were people who doubted the authenticity of this time stamp, and said that if she had a hacker, the time online could be faked.

They just wanted to throw the mud of plagiarism on Xia Xibei. Even if they could not successfully smear her, it would be enough to make her upset.

Faced with the persistence of these people, Xia Xibei was more forceful and presented a registered letter with a postmark time on it.