Valuable Gift

After Qi Yuntian's explanation, Xia Xibei realized that this Spirit Heart Wine was a very good thing!

If an ordinary person drank the Spirit Heart Wine, some minor body problems could be resolved. Even old aches and pains would be much better, as it was highly effective for soothing and activating the muscles.

If it was someone who practiced martial arts and knew how to circulate the qi, the effect would be even more remarkable.

The Ren and Du meridians wouldn't be opened, but it was much better than simply practicing martial arts by oneself.

"The Spiritual Heart Wine is made with some rather special medicinal herbs and has to go through many processes."

Qi Yuntian's words surprised Xia Xibei. She hurriedly shook her head, "I can't accept such an expensive gift!"

Qiao Yanjue had told her before that the Qi family was an ancient martial family, with a deep heritage and many magical means.