Drinking Wine

The meal was served quickly because it was prepared a while ago.

"Thank you all for coming to my birthday party! I'd like to toast everyone!"

Xia Xibei drank the beverage in her hand in one go.

The others followed suit and drank their own drinks.

However, Yu Ziqi's eyes were fixed on the bottle of wine in her hand. 

"Beibei, what's that? Wine?"

"Yes, wine." Xia Xibei nodded, then immediately shook her head. "You're not old enough to drink!"

Of the 10 people here, except for Zhuo Jingxu, the child, Yu Ziqi was the youngest and still a year short of adulthood.

Before one became an adult, one could not drink.

Yu Ziqi's face suddenly fell, a little depressed.

He would like to drink, but his family was strict. They said he was not an adult and could not try.

Today's dinner was at his family's place, so he would have even less of an opportunity to drink.