So Hot

The car made its way to the house, and on the way, Tang Luo kept his posture upright, hands dutifully on his lap, eyes straight ahead.

Mo Bonan was speechless and felt funny.

So this was what he looked like when he was drunk… 

The car suddenly braked sharply, and the driver's nervous voice rang out, "Sorry, the car in front suddenly stopped!"

A car suddenly rushed out of the corner, and then the car in front of them braked sharply, and they had to follow suit.

The driver was so scared that his face turned white.

What kind of person did this?! It was such a mess! He could have killed people!

However, how come the boss didn't speak?

From the rearview mirror, the back of the car seemed strange.

Just now, when they braked suddenly, Tang Luo did not react at all, falling forward.

Mo Bonan was terrified, subconsciously reaching out to stop him.

Tang Luo's body was blocked and fell back.