
Qiao Yanjue pulled Xia Xibei into the restroom and told her to look in the mirror, "Use your qi and take a look."

Although Xia Xibei was a bit puzzled and skeptical, she still did so.

Soon, her eyes widened, and when she got in front of the mirror, she stared at her own forehead.

There was really a lotus flower on her forehead, just as Qiao Yanjue said!

The white lotus flower was about the size of a stamp, and right in the middle of her forehead.

Looking at it this way, it was as if the lotus flower had been printed on, but there was no trace of pen or ink to be found.

The lotus flower was clear and half-open, and its petals were clear and lifelike.

"Crap!" Xia Xibei could not help but curse as she reached out to touch her forehead. "What is this thing?!"