Excellent Service

By the time Qiao Yanjue released Xia Xibei, both of them were a bit emotional.

Thinking back to last night, Xia Xibei couldn't help but blush, and her body got hot again.

While she was experienced in her thoughts, she was still a little uncomfortable when she really did the deed.

However, she had to admit that Qiao Yanjue was doing very well.

The first part wasn't very smooth, but later on, it became flawless.

He had good endurance too, probably because of the improvement in his qi last night.

They tossed and turned for most of the night before stopping.

However, to Xia Xibei's delight, she had also improved yesterday, so although her body was a little sore and weak, it didn't affect things today.

"Okay, I have to get up. Brother Pan will be over soon," Xia Xibei pushed him away.

Qiao Yanjue hugged and kissed her, smiling languidly and teasingly, "Are you feeling alright?"