We'll Take Care of Her

Xia Qinghan was sleeping peacefully on the bed. She seemed calm, as if she was really asleep, and not a trace of pain could be seen.

The doctor had examined her and said that there were no external or internal injuries, so it should be said that she was quite healthy.

However, this was only a superficial situation.

If she continued to sleep, her body's functions would gradually decline, and in the end, she would become a vegetable.

This puzzled everyone.

How could she suddenly fall asleep? There were no signs before!

Could it be that she was too busy working before and was exhausted?

However, the other members of the group were even busier than her! How come no one else had an accident?

Faced with everyone's questions, the doctor was very troubled.

They simply couldn't find the cause!

All kinds of tests had been done, but they just couldn't find a single problem!