Found the Person

Tang Luo was all kinds of confused and torn.

Did Mo Bonan know about her gender or not?

If he knew, why didn't he just say so?

If he didn't know, why did he treat her like this?

The more she thought about it, the worse her headache got; Tang Luo was going crazy.

After hanging up the phone, she lay listlessly on the bed for a few minutes, then slowly got up.

Today was Saturday. There was no school, but she still had to go to the office.

It was already nine o'clock, but as the boss, she could go there whenever she wanted.

However, not many people knew of her identity as the boss.

Except for a few people close to her and the acting manager of the company, all the others thought she was just a specially hired employee of the company.

Even the three members of the Mo family didn't know that she had opened a company.