You Lied to Me

Tang Luo stiffened, then turned back. 

"Miss Yuan..."

"Why are you still calling me Miss Yuan!" Yuan Simeng said unhappily. "Just call me Meng Meng!"

"Miss Yuan, I am quite busy. What do you want to see me about?" Tang Luo smiled stiffly.

She had already gotten rid of her before, so why was she here again?

When questioned, Yuan Simeng immediately remembered what she wanted to say. 

"You lied to me!"

"I... I lied to you about what?" 

Tang Luo was startled.

"Didn't you tell me before that you had a girlfriend?" Yuan Simeng grunted.

"Yes, yes I did."

That was back in the summer.

At that time, Yuan Simeng had been chasing after her and wanted to be her girlfriend.

How could that work?

So, at Xia Xibei's suggestion, she asked Song Jiaren to pretend to be her girlfriend.

Song Jiaren thought it was strange, but she was a friend, so she agreed to help out.