Too Much Pressure

"You have a fever?"

Xia Xibei quickly came over.

She was stunned upon seeing a sickly Tang Luo lying on the bed.

"Do you have a fever or are you suffering from a serious illness?"

Xia Xibei looked at the quilt covering Tang Luo, her face one of confusion.

Tang Luo was also speechless. 

"I just have a little fever."

However, Mo Bonan made her get in bed and told her to rest.

He also said that she got sick because she was usually too busy and didn't take care of herself.

Tang Luo had no way to retort, so she could only lie on the bed obediently and be covered with a bunch of quilts, almost smothered to death.

Xia Xibei shook her head speechlessly, then reached out to take her pulse.

"No big problem, just too much stress." Xia Xibei withdrew her hand, "I'll give you some medicine, you'll be fine soon."

Tang Luo huffed and complained, "My stress is all from your oppression!"