No Need for Your Help

Xia Xibei's expression was not good when she saw Qiao Haoming.

"Bei... Xibei."

At the sight of Xia Xibei, Qiao Haoming was very joyful.

However, he still remembered Xia Xibei's previous warning, so he didn't dare to call her so intimately.

"What are you doing here?" 

Xia Xibei frowned tightly and took a step back, putting distance between them.

Qiao Haoming finally remembered what he came for and immediately asked, "I came to ask, why did you turn down the VF endorsement?"

"VF? What's it to you?" Xia Xibei's face was cold.

VF was a skincare and cosmetics company, a big international brand.

Although it was not a top luxury brand, it was still considered a first-tier brand.

The person in charge of VF came over to talk to her about the endorsement before, but was rejected.

Xia Xibei did not want to endorse other companies' products.