Transferring the Company

"Let Huo Zifeng run the company?" 

Huo Zijun looked at the two people in front of him with disbelief and anger.

Huo Zijun originally thought that there was something important going on at home, which was why he had to come back.

As soon as he came back, however, he heard such ridiculous words!

Let Huo Zifeng take over the Hongyan Company?

How ridiculous!

Huo Zijun's anger and shock also displeased the other party.

A man in his fifties slapped the table, "This is the family's decision!"

The implication was that Huo Zijun could not fight the decision.

Huo Zijun looked at them incredulously, "Who made this decision? Grandpa? Or yourselves?"

"Of course it is Grandpa's decision!" a man around thirty years old, who resembled Huo Zijun in some ways, said with a frown. "This is grandpa's decision, and also everyone's decision after our discussion. Don't worry, I won't treat you badly."

Wouldn't treat him badly?