Let Them Stay

Huo Zijun was very excited. 

He was originally not holding much hope. After all, this illness was too challenging.

Even the big hospitals nowadays, with all their instruments and treatments, couldn't guarantee that they could cure this condition.

It could be said that this disease of the elderly, at this stage, was hopeless.

The Huo family was a big and powerful family, but the only thing they could do was to make the old man's condition deteriorate more slowly.

Now Xia Xibei said she could treat it, which shocked even Huo Zijun!

"Can you really treat it?" he asked again incredulously.

"Of course," Xia Xibei nodded her head, "But it would take a few days."

She took stock of the situation. She had to join the cast in five days. Within these five days, she could put off some of her optional activities and stay here in peace.

It was just that Pan Yan would be furious.