His Last Name is Qi

Elder Huo laughed out loud, "Yeah, I feel good too."

These words made Qi Zhi'an even more surprised.

He knew of Elder Huo's health condition and how he usually behaved.

With Alzheimer's disease, the person would be confused and unable to recognize other people and things.

Elder Huo's eyes were usually a little confused, and he would forget things when he was talking. You could tell at first glance that he was not well.

Today, however, he seemed to be in great spirits! He was talking in an orderly fashion, you couldn't tell anything was wrong!

"Come on, Little An! let's play chess!" 

The old man was excited and eager to continue playing chess.

Qi Zhi'an, however, shook his head, "Sorry, I still have some things to do."

The old man was a little disappointed but didn't press the issue. 

"Well then, next time."

Before Qi Zhi'an left, he smiled at Huo Zijun and Xia Xibei.

"Grandpa, who is he?"