This is Intuition

Qi Zhi'an looked at Xia Xibei with a light in his eyes that made one's heart tremble.

When he smiled, he seemed very kind, but once he became grim, he was so authoritative that people didn't dare to make a move. After all, he was a member of the Qi family.

Xia Xibei was not intimidated by his expression, still very calm.

She pointed to the spot where the roots of the plant were exposed in the soi.

"Look here. The color is starting to get darker. If the color is darker, it means it's over-watered." She looked serene. "This plant prefers a dry environment."

"Does it?" Qi Zhi'an looked at her musingly.

"Hmm," Xia Xibei nodded. "Don't water it for the next few days, it will bloom in a couple of days."

The flower had a rather large bud on top, which was very beautiful.

However, only Qi Zhi'an knew that the bud had been there for a month. It had not opened and nothing had changed.